9 Essentials Frontend Development that will make you “GOD-LIKE”
Original Post
If you are reading this, that means you are driven into Front-end Development. You probably know how things work and all the fundamentals skills you need to make a good front-end work. Now, you all need some new tools to get the work done easily and more efficiently.
You may think,” Why do I need these tools, I am awesome with my own skills 😎 ? “. Maybe you are or not, but when it comes to working, you need to get the job done more easier than usual. You need those tools to work with your skills to land yourself a job or more clients. I am gonna be honest with you, I also didn’t like these tools at first but I have grown into them and made them part of my work.
These development tools are some next-level stuff(I was going to say something else instead of “stuff”, but it didn’t felt like the vibes were matching). Let’s get back to what I was saying. These tools will help you to harness the power of “ALL MIGHTY GOD”. Sorry, sorry, sorry I got carried away again. I meant to tell you that it will help you to improve your workflow and help you build a more responsive design. Using those plugins and VCS with your code, there will be more possibilities and opportunities than before.
However, when it comes to developer tools, there are hundreds of them and increasing at the moment. Choosing the right tools to do your job without any difficulties is why I am here. I have researched and used these tools and made a list of top Front-end Development tools, frameworks, and libraries that you should use in 2021. Here is the list below :
1. Visual Studio Code
2. Bootstrap
3. jQuery
4. GitHub
5. Chrome Developer Tools
6. NPM
8. AngularJS
9. Codepen
A favorite Front-end Development Tools, Libraries, and Frameworks :
- Visual Studio Code
You need the best code editor as a requirement in becoming a better frontend developer. This is one of the most recommended code editors. There are other code editors which are also better such as Atom, Sublime Text, etc. I recommended this because it is an open-source editor with damn good features.
- It acts as syntax highlighting, smart code completion, built-in debugger, built-in Git commands, easier deployment capabilities, and many others.
- It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- Visual Code Studio provides you with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript & Node.js and other languages such as C++, Java, Python, PHP, etc. can also be supported using extensions.
2. Bootstrap
If I start talking about Bootstrap, you might need to slap me hard enough to put me down.
I promise to keep it short, let’s start then. Bootstrap is a popular framework, and a detailed UI package built by the Twitter team. It is complete with tools for developing modal objects, normalizing Style sheets, adding JS plugins, and some other features. Are you getting tired of typing each and every single styling detail for containers? Or do you want to crop that image or button? Why not start using Bootstrap, it has some great features.
- Offers strong plugins created on jQuery.
- Has maximized pre-built elements.
- Offers a responsive grid system.
- Has the feature of SASS variables and mixing.
3. jQuery
jQuery is the most essential part of the frontend world. It is a JS library that eases the frontend procedure with its small, quick, and cross-platform attributes. jQuery helps developers to build awesome animations. Wait,
Fun Fact: I am obsessed with the word “awesome”, literally I am.
And it’s clearly successful-jQuery was by far the most popular JavaScript library in existence in 2015, with installation on 65% of the top 10 million highest-trafficked sites on the web at the time.
- It is CSS3 compliant.
- You can add it as an AMD module.
- This is 30/KB gzipped and minified.
- Offers an easy-to-use API that creates jobs like animation and Ajax easier. This API works in many browsers as well.
4. GitHub
This is some next-level “God-like” stuff. Do you trust yourself more than anything? I think not, screwing up your own work is the worst nightmare for a developer. You need VCS (Version Control Systems) to keep all the changes you did during your project work. This also helps you to go back to your previous state.
GitHub’s repository hosting service also has an enriched open-source development community that promotes team collaboration and many other elements like wikis, task handling, bug tracking, and feature requests for every project.
- Developers can host their documentation straight from repositories.
- Enables all codes in one place.
- Simple documentation along with quality coding.
- Provides the right tools for the task.
- The project management tools of GitHub help developers stay aligned, coordinate simply, and get done.
5. Chrome DevTools
Google Chrome offers a lot of features and tools for showing the process and functionality of a web page. Do you not want to edit your code and debug at the same time? Then, start using Chrome Developer Tools as it allows the developer to access the internal working of the website and gives a deeper understanding of what going on then.
In the console port, you can run and debug JavaScript or you can edit the HTML and style of the website and optimize the speed of the webpage.
- Using Chrome DevTools, you can check network activity.
- These tools have different functionalities for security panels like identifying securing problems, and for memory panel, network panel, application panel, elements panel, console panel, sources panel, and the device mode.
- Using the functionalities of the performance panel, you can assess runtime performance, optimize speed, and identify forced synchronous layouts.
6. NPM
Npm, Node Package Manager is actually a package manager for JavaScript. It helps you to discover and install packages of reusable code to use in your programs. There is a command-line client that allows you to install and publish those packages. You can simply add npm to your project using this particular command — “npm init”. Moreover, you can find the downloaded packages or dependencies in the folder named “node_modules”. One of the major advantages of using npm is — you just need to run “npm install” and all the external dependencies will get installed by it. Without any doubt, this particular tool is strongly recommended to all the front-end developers out there.
I am honestly saying that I copied this part from the thing called ‘Internet’. Don’t judge me for my laziness. I use NPM a lot but when it comes to writing about it, it gets boring. So let’s move on now.
SASS is popular as one of the most efficient ways of using CSS extensions. It is a pre-processor for CSS. It’s the future of styling a page, it also reduces lines of CSS. Sass’s combination of variables, nesting, and mixins will render simple CSS when compiled, meaning your stylesheets will be more readable.
- It has a big community.
- SASS is compatible with CSS.
- It has features of Arguments, Loops, Variables, Nesting, etc.
- Supports many inheritances.
- You can streamline large Stylesheets using SASS.
8. AngularJS
Are you still using that plain old HTML? No offense but it has a serious flaw in it that isn’t designed to manage dynamic views. This is where AngularJS comes in, it offers productivity and a readable infrastructure. It covers native desktop, native mobile, web, and mobile.
The project is not without its critics: some feel that this sort of data binding makes for a messy, non-separated code, but we still think it’s an invaluable skill to have in your frontend kit.
- Automatically handles JS code suitable for all browsers.
- Provides options to write client-side apps using JS with MVC.
- Helps develop rich web apps.
- It is free, open-source, and used by many developers globally.
9. Codepen
Codepen is a great online IDE where you can share and learn new ways of the frontend. Here, you can write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and try out new libraries and frameworks. Plus, it has a huge and great community where you can build yourself more effectively and creatively.
- It will help you keep the pens’ privacy.
- It offers a custom editor.
- CodePen has a mode of collaboration that will enable many people to write and edit code in the pen simultaneously.
- It will enable you to drag-and-drop media files, images, SVGS, JSON files, CSS, etc.
End of Journey
Here, we are again if you have read my earlier blogs.
I have mostly written about tools that I am using on a day-to-day basis. So, I am not just making some random blogs just copying stuff from the ‘Internet’. Maybe I will let you know about something new when I will use them. Don’t worry I will let you on everything.
These are the modern weapons you need to ace your frontend game. So, choose your weapons wisely, my lord.
Bye. Au Revoir. Adios. Auf Wiedersehen. Sayōnara.